Performative Objects: designing mediating mindful interaction through artefacts
One of Kristina's strongest interests is the exploration of design as a means for mediating mindful interaction through the use of objects in social contexts. This means, not just to facilitate interaction, which is common to interactive objects and technology such as email, mobile phones, etc. where the immediate interaction between the caller and the receiever is designed, but to create awareness and responsibility of all social interaction implicated in the exchange as well as opportunities and new ways of dealing with interaction.
At the core of Kristina's research into mindful interaction was the identification of a new category of products, termed performative objects. The identification of the performative object as a new category made the inquiry a classification study within the field of design. The inquiry was conducted on both theoretical and practical levels, and the understanding of the relationship of the practical and theoretical components of the research became key to the development of the inquiry.!