An entry for the catalogue of Olaf Eliasson The Weather Project, New Tate Gallery, 2003, pp. 29-41
see: Peter Sloterdijk, Olafur Eliasson

Olafur Eliasson's installation The Weather Project, Tate Modern (London) 10/16/03 through 03/21/04.
29. Envelopes, spheres, skins, ambiences: these are the real 'conditions of possibility' that philosophy has vainly attempted to dig out of totally inaccessible infrastructures.
Sloterdijk is to philosophy = Eliasson is to art... tired old divisions between wild & domesticated, private & public, technical & organic, are simply ignored, replaced by a set of experimentations on the conditions that nurture our collective lives.
Sciences have expanded to such an extent that they have transformed the whole world into a laboratory, artists have perforce become white coats.
That we are all engaged ina set of collective experiments that have over-spilled the strict confines of the laboratory needs no more proof than reading the newspaper or watching the television news.
We have entered the experimental age... we have no idea how to pursue collective experiments in the confusing atmosphere of a whole culture.
30. The laboratory has extended its walls to the whole planet.
What is the difference between this collective experiment (example:global warming) and what used to be called a 'political' issue? Nothing. ... These experiments made on us, by us and for us have no protocol. No one is in charge.
31. Old English and Old German 'thing' meant a case, a contoversy, a cause to be collectively decided at the 'Thing', the assembly or forum. Icelandic Parliament = Althing. Things = matters of concern.
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