Friday, August 14, 2009

Human-Centered Design

Richard Buchanan

Buchanan R., (2004) Human-Centered Design: Changing Perspectives of Design Education in the East and West, Design Issues: 20 (1), Winter 2004

30. Market economy emered in the 1980s, new ideas about modern design also entered the country

'arts-and-crafts' toward 'form and function' - Zhou Zhi Wang

uneasy relationship of traditional and modern approaches to design education in China continues to the present

whether and how China can be transformed from the maker of products design elsewhere in the world to an original source of design

'Equipping for the future: An International Conference on Design Education in China'

31. consider whether past practices and theory in Chinese design are suited to the new circumstances of international economic development.

East vs West, similar problems with different solutions, different social and cultural circumstances

32. Chinese Industry cheap labour costs, technical prowess, well skilled and well educated workers. Japan and Koreans surpassed, but wages will inevitably rise - what effect will this have?

***difference will be the future of design thinking - making products desirable abroad and at home

33. in both cultures, Design Ed begins as apprenticeship (?)

similarity: design <> fine arts = 'making', 'poesis' to make = poetry

devision of arts and design in West (not East) - dominant dialectical thought

34. Design Ed <> Art Ed
Obsessions w style and self expression

West broader, East imitation of Masters and style, West humanism - hujman centered approach

'Design is an art of making products that serve people'

West. balance of fine art, engineering, social science and design harmony

35. West - search for knowledge, no longer is design a self contained discipline

36. East obsession w form, West creative problem solving, not troubled w form giving - but repetitious

Western curriculum more diverse

37. Gen Eds, importance in Western cultures of diversity to creative breadth of product

38. research with Masters - interaction design

39. What are the philosophical and theoretical roots of Chinese Design and Design Education that will continue to influence their development?

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