Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Centre
Don't let the mundane-sounding name fool you: The Urban Planning Exhibition Centre is the city's monument to itself, stunningly showcasing Shanghai's development, past and present. Follow the crowds upstairs to a 1:500 scale model representing what the city should look like in 2020. You can find every individual building in Shanghai, from tiny one-story alley houses to towering skyscrapers. Anxious residents crane their necks over the model to see if their pleasant French concession houses will be left standing. The museum also features scaled models of yesteryear Shanghai, plus side-by-side photo comparisons of how various intersections looked decades ago and today—the change is mind-boggling.
Open Monday-Thursday 9 am-5 pm, Friday-Sunday 9 am-6 pm.
30 yuan.
100 Renmin Dadao, People's Square, Shanghai.
Phone 6372-2077. http://www.supec.org.
Source: http://www.professionaltravelguide.com/Destinations/Shanghai/See-and-Do/Sightseeing/Attractions/Museums/Shanghai-Urban-Planning-Exhibition-Centre-p1733421
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